Friday 8 November 2013

Experience (02/11/2013)

Hey, a few days ago i went riding but
 i did not have the chance to write this
 post so now i can so lets get started.
 I went to go there at six and got there
 at six thirty I did a lesson with five
 people and i was doing a not to much
 but a good amount of riding, at first it 
was mostly trotting  then everyone had
 a chance each to canter for about ten
 to fifteen  minutes then we did lots of
 jumps and they where not big jumps
 but they where a reasonable size.
I went for forty-five minutes with my big 
sister but she was reading most of the
time because she did come see me
 jumpand take pictures of me jumping so i
can post it on my blog but she missed
 all of the jumps so that was a shame.
That's all i did and i am planing on 
going riding tomorrow and hopefully 
i will write my next experience 
post tomorrow. :)