You need to groom after and before riding because you do not want to have dirt trapping underneath the tack. On this page, I will show you how to groom.

You will need:
- Curry comb
- Dandy brush
- Body brush

What to do:
1. Firstly, get your curry comb and brush both sides of your horse. Be careful not to brush on his/her neck and legs, The curry comb will bring up all the dirt from the bottom to the surface.

2. Then, get your dandy brush both sides of your of your horse. Do not put the dandy brush on the horse's face because the dandy brush has hard bristles. The dandy brush will take off the dirt you brought up with the curry comb

3. Lastly, use the body brush all around the body, even the legs and face. The body brush is used to give a final check that most dirt is off. This also makes the horse's coat look shiny.

Hoof picking

Hoof picking is to get the dirt out of the horse's hoof. This is to be done before and after riding but of course you do not need to do it a lot!

You will need:
- Hoof pick
- Hoof oil (optional)

What to do:
1. First, you need to get the horse to lift it's foot. You can do this by sliding your hand down the horse's leg. Doing this will gradually train the horse to lift it's foot.
2. When you have gotten the horse to lift it's foot, just start picking around the 'V' shape.*

*Note* Always remember to never pick the 'V' shape which is called a 'frog' because that area is very sensitive and will make the horse lame.
*Note 2* Stand next to the horse's shoulder because this will give a less likely chance that the horse will kick you.

I wash my horse after riding
on a hot day so she can
cool down.

What you will need
- Hose
- Brush
- Horse shampoo
- Bucket
- Sweat scrape

What to do
1. Use a hose to wet your horse all over but not on the face but some horses let you do it.
2. Fill a bucket with water and take to squirts of shampoo.
3. Take your brush in the bucket then start to brush your horse not on the legs or face
4. Use a hose to rinse your horse.
5. Take your sweat scrape and take all the water of the horse.