The Trot

How to trot:

To start a trot you should already be walking so just kick one time on both sides to go into a trot you should stand up then down again and again until you stop. Make sure you do not lean forwards or back because this will make you unsteady. 


1. It's best to put your hands down close to the saddle, but not touching it. 

2. When turning kick softly so your horse keeps trotting. 

3. Make sure your not pulling to hard on the reins or the horse will stop.

4. Keep your feet back so that you are not leaning forwards.

Sitting trot 

To do the sitting trot you have to bring all of your weight to your feet and just sit you do the sitting trot when you are about to do the canter.


1. When doing sitting trot keep your back up

That's how to trot

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