Friday 8 November 2013

Experience (02/11/2013)

Hey, a few days ago i went riding but
 i did not have the chance to write this
 post so now i can so lets get started.
 I went to go there at six and got there
 at six thirty I did a lesson with five
 people and i was doing a not to much
 but a good amount of riding, at first it 
was mostly trotting  then everyone had
 a chance each to canter for about ten
 to fifteen  minutes then we did lots of
 jumps and they where not big jumps
 but they where a reasonable size.
I went for forty-five minutes with my big 
sister but she was reading most of the
time because she did come see me
 jumpand take pictures of me jumping so i
can post it on my blog but she missed
 all of the jumps so that was a shame.
That's all i did and i am planing on 
going riding tomorrow and hopefully 
i will write my next experience 
post tomorrow. :)

Thursday 17 October 2013

The Horse Halloween Party

Since it's almost Halloween why not dress your horse up here is some ideas on what you can do.

1.Put some small touches like scary Halloween stickers on your saddle
2. Why not dress up your horse in this picture a                                                                          horse is dressed up like harry potter 

( more coming soon)

Friday 11 October 2013

Experience (11/10/2013)

Hi, everyone sorry i have not been doing a lot of experience posts in a
long time but today I went riding on a horse called silver (I think that's how to spell his name)
he was a light brown color, he is a Arab breed and today's post is
very special because I just learnt
how to jump a horse I will put a post up soon once I get better at
jumping so lets start when I went to the riding school i was fine but when
my mum asked the owner if I could learn how to jump i got a bit
nervous so I waited for my horse and when i got on i was a bit scared
because I never jumped a horse ever in my life. So i just started with a
trot and canter then he told me to stop and then showed me how to do it.
Then he told me to do the jump and i thought it will be scary but once i did
it i found out it was easy it just is like walking on air it is so fun and i am
lucky my mum asked if i could learn to jump and at the end i went round
cantering and when i was done the ranch owner told me to stand on the
saddle i got scared but i did it but silver was one of those horses that
move if you were not holding the him so i was shaking up there.
I was there for 45 mins not long but was worth it.
I will post a pic of me standing on the horse.
Bye for now ;)

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Riders Reading Post Idea

I made a new post idea called The Riders Reading where I would review the books  so you can see if you want to buy it this is my header for it. Tell me if its nice or bad if you think its good email me and if its bad email me too at or comment thank you for reading here is the picture.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Riding on September 8th 2013 @ Rancho Del Rio

Today I went on a two hour hike on a horse called Paloma we did cantering and I saw lots of houses and  most farm animals and then I had a dressage lesson after on a horse called Belle for about 30 minutes where I learnt which hand to hold my whip in, how to stop your horse from cutting corners and how where to put my hands on the reins. I had to guide Belle because someone was riding her then is had to start un tacking. Soon i needed to wash all the horses . I was there for 5 hours. I fed most of the horses there oats, carrots and some apples. There was a new horse called Toffe he has been in the stables for two weeks his old owners could not afford to buy his food so the stable owner bought him but because the old owners could not afford to buy his food he is to skiny to ride so thats why he spends most of his time in the padock so he can eat so he can grow wider to ride. I go riding every week on a saturday for maybe 4 to 5 hours I like it a lot it is very fun to do pony club there are not so many pony's there its mostly horses well  I ride a horse.

Sunday 30 June 2013

The meaning of this blog is so if you like to ride and don't know how to trot or canter or have your own horse and don't know how to take care of the horse
Here are some pictures of what you are going to learn.

In this picture below the horse is cantering this you will also learn in the page RIDING.

In this picture the horse is trotting that you will learn
on the page called RIDING.

This is  hoove picking that you will learn on

                                                      This is grooming you will learn how to do it on page